Update 0.5

Alright, so for this update I installed a few new things. You might notice that along with the installer you can also get a zip file if your computer can't handle the installer for some reason. In this update I added slow motion which, as the name suggests, slows your motion through time. Amazing. Along with this is some general graphics boosts by which I mean the font is changed for text. The biggest change is really the health system! You now have a health bar that can go down and change to yellow for medium health (from green) and then red for low. If it gets all the way down you reload your current level and try again. You can be damaged by projectiles from enemies like the Pikachu's and the ball/bullet things.  There is also now a actual tutorial so if you get the game you know what your supposed to do! Before it was like "Hey look you have gun and there ramp. Do thing. Now it's more like "Hey man look at this. Here's the controls and what you need to reach to win the level." So yeah that's kinda epic.  Oh also there's a new splash screen and revamped menu. Coming soon is probably a way to kill enemies so they will stop harassing you with Pikachu's and maybe some more levels if I'm not lazy?!? But that's about it for now so have fun as always and until next time, CYA! (Reference alert)


Final LEGacy Setup v.5.exe 37 MB
Oct 18, 2020
FinalLEGacy.zip 45 MB
Oct 18, 2020

Get Final LEGacy

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